DEVS Tools
VLE, Virtual Laboratory Environment, is a multi-modeling and simulation platform base on DEVS. It is a powerful modeler and a simulator supporting the use of different formalisms for the specification of models and implementing the corresponding solvers in a unified manner. In addition to the classical use of one single formalism for modeling and simulation, VLE integrates, i.e. couples, heterogeneous formalisms in one coherent simulation model. VLE supports C++ to build efficient simulation and R or Python to use simulation in scripting language for data analysis, web services etc. VLE as a C++ stable interface in API and ABI since 2011.
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Quartz est une API permettant la modélisation et la simulation de modèles basés sur le formalisme PDEVS. L’API propose une implémentation de la spécification Dynamic Parallel Discrete Event Multi- Agent Specification (DPDEMAS), laquelle formalise les différentes entités d’un SMA en structures PDEVS. Ses performances sont comparables à aDEVS, un des outils les plus efficaces implémenté avec un langage compilé.
DEVSimPy is an open Source project (under GPL V.3 license) used by the SPE (Science pour l’Environnement) team of the UMR CNRS 6134 Lab. of the University of Corsica “Pasquale Paoli”. This aim is to provide a GUI for the Modeling & Simulation of Py(P)DEVS which is an API allowing the implementation of the DEVS formalism in Python language. DEVSimPy-mob is a hybrid mobile application allowing the simulation of DEVSimPy models from a mobile phone. The idea is to allow users of DEVSimPy simulate their models from a mobile phone. This way, they can add real data from the mobile phone (temperature, photo, etc) in the simulation models.
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fwkDEVS is a DEVS/GDEVS simulation framework for designing discrete event systems and carrying out simulations. Its kernel is designed in java (C) using design patterns with respect to abstract hierarchical simulator described by Zeigler (2000). One main feature of fwkDEVS framework is the definition of the priority function select() to synchronize concurrent components and carrying out the right and excepted behavior; whereas existing simulators like adevs, devsjava, etc. based on the parallel-DEVS simulator kernel incite designers to develop specific models in DEVS to dipatch correctly events to conflicting components. Note that a small effort is required to code the function select() in order to define the different conflicting cases. In addition, fwkDEVS supports GDEVS simulations. Consequently such models may be easily switched to DEVS in object oriented paradigm.
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ProDEVS est un simulateur qui gère les sémantiques DEVS classique et parallèle. Il implémente QSS1 et QSS2. ProDEVS est un outil de simulation DEVS dédié aux systèmes critiques embarqués. Il utilise une syntaxe graphique basée sur les StateCharts pour la définition des composants atomiques. Nous montrerons comment développer un modèle DEVS et le simuler. Puis nous verrons les différentes fonctionnalités de l’outil. En particulier, nous montrerons l’exploration exhaustive et la vérification formelle de propriétés de simulation (légitimité, blocage, couverture), l’import et la co-simulation de FMUs (Fonctional Mockup Units) dans un modèle DEVS et enfin le prototypage du modèle sur plateforme matérielle FPGA. Un descriptif de l’outil (technologies et caractéristiques) est disponible sur le site.
PythonPDEVS is a Python-based simulation kernel for both Classic and Parallel DEVS. A wide variety of features are supported, such as Dynamic Structure, (optimistic) distributed simulation, and activity hints. It is developed by Hans Vangheluwe (University of Antwerp, Belgium; McGill University, Canada) and Yentl Van Tendeloo (University of Antwerp, Belgium).
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- Main application: teaching